CSTAG Training - 2024-25

  CSTAG Training - 9-18-24
  8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  St. Clair Co RESA, Admin Bldg, East and West Conf

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Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines Training (CSTAG)
September 18,  2024
Presenter:  Joe Zima, LMSW

Although schools have a relatively low rate of violent crime in comparison to other settings, concerns about school shootings have stimulated increased school security and use of zero tolerance discipline.  School threat assessment is a more proactive and flexible violence prevention practice that is used when an individual threatens to commit a violent act or engages in threatening behavior.  Threat assessment includes the identification, assessment, and management of threats with the goal of resolving conflicts or problems before they escalate into violence.  Our school threat assessment model allows school-based teams to follow a decision-free process to resolve less serious, transient threats quickly while focusing greater attention on more serious, substantive threats.

This day will train you and your team on how to complete a comprehensive threat assessment.

Audience:  Administrators, teachers, social workers and law enforcement
Registration:  8:00-8:30 AM
Presentation Time:  8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Location:  St. Clair County RESA, Administration Building - East and West Conference Rooms, 499 Range Road, Marysville, MI 48040
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