Effective Behavior Assessent & Intervention Series

  Effect Beh Assess & Interven w/Dr. Robert Brooks
  8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  St. Clair Co RESA, Admin Bldg, East and West Conf

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Effective Behavior Assessment & Intervention Series

Day 1:  
Dr. Robert Brooks is one of today's leading speakers and authors on the themes of resilience, motivation, school climate, a positive work environment, and family relationships.  During the past 45 years, Dr. Brooks has presented nationally and internationally to thousands of parents, educators, mental health professionals, and business people.  His talks are filled with practical, realistic suggestions and he is renowned for the warmth and humor he uses to bring his insights and anecdotes to life.
Once we hear from Dr. Brooks, the afternoon will explore useful data collection tools, specifically geared at deciphering the function or motivation of challenging student behavior.  Attendees will leave with a digital toolbox of the most helpful data collection tools after spending the afternoon both "walking through" the tools and having any questions answered that may be related to utilizing these new tools.
Location:  St. Clair County RESA - Administration Building - East and West Conference Room
Registration:  8:00-8:30 a.m.
Class:  8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Audience:  Special Education Teachers, Principals, Social Workers, and Administrators
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