Effective Behavior Assessent & Intervention Series

  Effect Beh Assess & Interven w/Brian Mendler
  8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  St. Clair Co RESA, Admin Bldg, East and West Conf

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Effective Behavior Assessment & Intervention Series

Day  2:  
Brian Mendler has extensive experience working with challenging students in general education, self-contained, and inclusion settings.  He provides staff development training for K-12 educators throughout the world with the focus on how to be successful with even the most difficult students.  He trains tens of thousands of educators every year and is a highly reguarded dynamic speaker.  Educators love his seminars, because he is able to provide strategies that work immediately for today's youth. 

Once we hear from Brian Mendler, the afternoon will be spent exploring a research based fidelity tool for FBA's and BIP's from The University of South Florida (USF). Small groups will explore local examples of Functional Behavior Assessments while doing a crosswalk comparison to the critical components, using the FBA Technical Adequacy Evaluation Tool.  This is an extremely powerful and objective way to look at and become more experienced with the critical components to completing an FBA that will produce the outcomes school teams are seeking.
Location:  St. Clair County RESA - Administration Building - East and West Conference Room
Registration:  8:00-8:30 a.m.
Class:  8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Audience:  Special Education Teachers, Principals, Social Workers, and Administrators
SCECHs are available pending approval.
SSW-CEU's are available pending approval.